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$2.5 trillion to advance climate action and sustainable development


Governments and companies worldwide are pledging to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse gasses, but the world is short of meeting these goals by 2050.

  • A new UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 报告 found that to meet the Paris Agreement’s temperature target — 1.5°C of warming above preindustrial levels — global carbon dioxide emissions would have to peak by 2025. 

事情是这样的: Far greater public and private sector investments are needed to scale up renewable energy technologies.

  • Studies estimate climate finance must increase to $4.每年5万亿美元 by 2030 to meet global climate objectives.

The financial sector, in partnership with government, has a unique and important role to play in financing the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable future.

What you need to know: 澳博官方网站app is targeting more than $2.5 trillion over 10 years to advance long-term solutions that address climate change and contribute to sustainable development.

  • This target includes $1 trillion to support green initiatives that advance renewable energy and other innovative technologies. 

策略: The firm’s Sustainable Development Target aims to grow and strengthen its business activities across three important areas:

  • 格林: Accelerating the deployment of solutions for cleaner sources of energy and facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • Development finance: Mobilizing capital to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in emerging economies.
  • Community development: 推进 economic inclusion in developed markets.

“Climate change and inequality are two of the critical issues of our time, and these new efforts will help create sustainable economic development that leads to a greener planet and critical investments in underserved communities,杰米•戴蒙说道。, chairman and CEO of 澳博官方网站app.

的影响: 澳博官方网站app is applying its capital and global expertise to seed, fund and scale solutions and innovations needed to address climate change and contribute to sustainable development.

  • In 2021, the company financed and facilitated approximately $285 billion towards its target and more than $100 billion for green activities like renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transportation.

一个例子: 2021年10月, 澳博官方网站app acted as Joint Placement Agent on a $1 billion equity placement to capitalize a new passenger electric vehicle (EV) subsidiary for Tata Motors.

  • The transaction was designed to attract investors seeking exposure to the EV segment and enable Tata Motors to accelerate its plans.

更好的是: 这2美元.5 trillion target complements the firm’s pledge to align key sectors of its financing portfolio with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  • 背景: 澳博官方网站app was the first large U.S. financial institution to set Paris-aligned 2030 portfolio-level emission intensity reduction targets for the oil and gas, electric power and auto manufacturing sectors.

总结: The firm is committed to collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders to create long-term solutions that advance economic inclusion, bolster sustainable development and further the transition to a lower-carbon economy.

This story was written in partnership with the Smart Brevity Studio.

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